What's new in Embra

Keep up with the changes happening as we build the first AI operating system for businesses.

Dec. 10th, 2024
Update history on memories

Track when modifications are made on the memories within your team’s workspace with our new change history system. Easily view past updates to people, meetings, tasks, and companies.

More responsive meeting bot

Meeting bots now join sessions early so that even if someone joins a meeting before the start time, Embra will be there when they do.

Improved contact management

We’ve improved our contact tracking process so that connections from google calendar are more reliably de-duplication for cleaner contact lists.

Easier DateTime Input

We've upgraded Embra’s time selection interface to make updating memories easier and more intuitive, allowing you to use relative language like “today” to input a time.

Calendar Integration Safeguards

Automatic disabling of calendar plugin when Google Calendar access is revoked, preventing Embra from trying to use the Gcal integration when it’s not installed.

In chat integration stability

Embra will now more reliably access or not access memory when you manually toggle integrations.

Google meeting recording button

When using google meet in Embra, the recording meeting will now more reliably be accessible.

Duplicate notification fix

Some users were seeing duplicated meeting notifications — notifications now work as intended.

Support modal responsiveness

The intercom support modal now be closed both by hitting the ‘X’ or clicking out of it when onboarding.

Nov. 26th, 2024
Toggle on/off automations for agentic workflows

You can now selectively pause and resume automated workflows that handle tasks like research, note generation, and email processing. This enhanced control helps you manage costs more effectively and provides a safer environment for testing new workflows.

Upcoming meetings bar

We've added a convenient quick-action bar at the top of the meetings page that displays your upcoming meetings. This feature is fully integrated across both the desktop application and web interface, so you can have a consistent experience wherever you use Embra.

Improved meeting classification

Our meeting classification system has been updated to provide more accurate automatic summaries. The system leverages your custom-configured meeting types to better understand context and generate more relevant classifications and summaries after each meeting.

Clearer meeting notifications & copilot names

Meeting notifications in the desktop app now provide clearer context by displaying both your personal name and workspace identifier. When Embra joins your meetings, you'll see exactly which workspace's copilot is participating, eliminating any confusion in multi-workspace environments.

Document variables in workflows

The workflow builder now supports dynamic document references using the @ symbol. This lets you to incorporate existing documents into your workflows – for example, you can reference tone guidelines documents to maintain consistent writing styles across different workflow outputs.

Embra can better answer questions about how Embra works

Embra's conversational abilities have been improved to provide more accurate and comprehensive responses about its own features and capabilities. When you ask questions about how Embra works, you'll receive up-to-date information that reflects current product functionality.

Agentic workflow formatting improvements & update speed/reliability

We've implemented significant improvements to the formatting, speed, and reliability of agentic workflows, ensuring a more robust and responsive experience when building and testing workflows.

Google calendar sync triggers company workflows

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